Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 25-29

Monday - Students will start research on Public Service Careers such as Police officers and Fire fighters.

Tuesday - Continue research on Public Service Careers such as Police officers and Fire fighters.

Wednesday - Chief Canales from BMS NJROTC will be visiting our classes to discuss careers in the military and NJROTC classes at BHS.

Thursday - Students will be researching careers in the US Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coast Guard.

Friday - Continue Military career research.

January 19-22

Create a PGP for Core Classes

Start research on Public Service Careers
Create a Google Drawing on Public Service Careers

January 11-15

During the 2nd week of school we will be delving into personality quizzes and interest inventories. It helps to have this information to determine what types of careers are good for you.

January 5-8

Welcome to Career Portals!

Week one is basically an introduction to this class and getting on the computer to make sure that your login works. Students will log into Google Classroom. This is where MOST of our assignments are done. Google Classroom can be reached from a home internet. This is a great feature in case you are sick but can still work on your assignments.